Weight Management and Weight Loss Training Courses

Weight Management

Weight loss, followed by successful weight management, is the primary goal of a vast amount of people who exercise. Many assume that once they begin exercising that their weight will decrease and they will be able to maintain a lower weight. However, fitness professionals and fitness academics know that fitness training is only half the solution. Numerous studies have shown the subjects who exercise whilst controlling their diet lose more weight than those who a. only exercise or b. only diet. Therefore, being qualified to offer nutritional advice to clients would be highly beneficial.

Weight Management training courses allow personal trainers to assess the diet and nutritional value of their clients typical menu, by using food diaries, questionnaires and discussion, after which a PT can advise a client on the best way to alter their eating habits to achieve their weight loss and weight management goals

Weight Management training course content

Weight Management training courses are offered by a number of recognised fitness training providers. The course title may differ from provider to provider, with course names ranging from Nutrition for Physical Activity, Nutritional Advice for Physical Activity, Nutrition for Weight Management, Obesity and Diabetes Management, to name but a few. However, each course will provide students with key knowledge, including:

  • Dietary myths and fallacies
  • An investigation into 30 years of weight gain
  • The fundamental factors of fat storage
  • Critical components for successful weight control
  • Collecting, analysing and utilising nutritional information
  • The principles of nutritional goal setting with clients
  • Providing nutritional advice in line with nationally recommended best practice
  • Applying the principles of nutrition to a physical activity programme
  • Exploring weight management advice/strategies for overweight and obese populations

Graduating from a recognise Weight Management training course will equip personal trainers and nutritional advisors with the skills and knowledge to better aid their clients weight loss and weight management needs. It also allows personal trainers to add another string to their bow, offer expert nutritional advice and increase their earning potential. Not only that but graduating from a course in weight management or nutrition will allow a personal trainer to gain Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs) CPD credits, enabling them to maintain their REPs membership status or even move them from a Level 3 Personal Trainer to to a Level 4 fitness professional.

Visit our training course search and find out about weight management and nutritional course with the UK's leading fitness course providers.