Money & Legal

Save Money
Saving money is the goal of most singles and families, especially after another expensive Christmas. But where do you...
Pay Rise
Every employee faces the dilemma of questioning their salary at one point of their service. Are you paid your worth?...
YouTube Rich
From make-up tips to Minecraft gameplayers, YouTube is a place were the young can get mega-rich by just doing what they...
Teenage Millionaires
Self-made millionaires are hard to come by. But self-made teenage millionaires, well, in the age of the internet,...
Choosing your degree subject will likely change the entire course of your life. What most people want from life is...
Brexit Vote Leave
Waking up on that Friday morning after the Brexit referendum will probably still be fresh in your mind. Whatever you...
Hillary Clinton
Possibly the most publicly scorned woman in history, it’s well known that Hillary Clinton was married to former...
Maternity Leave Rights
For working women who are expecting their first child, the idea of maternity leave is something they will often know...
Paternity Leave Rights
Traditionally, working couples who have a baby meant that only mum would get time off work. Now in the UK new dads also...
Employment Rights UK
Employees of any company in the UK have rights, most of which are protected by law, regardless of what is stated in...
Brexit Money
So the people have spoken and Britain is now out of the European Union (EU). With the Leave 'party's' victory with a...
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