
Things Never to do at an Interview
10 things never to do an an interview is a list of job interview faux pas that you definitely want to avoid making....
Exam Resits
You revised (or not). You felt the pressure of exams (or not). You needed the grades to move onto college or university...
A-Levels and Your Options
So, you’ve spent the last two years studying hard, attending classes most of the time and planning your future. You’ve...
Best Cities to Work and Play
Being located in a city that offers the best employment environment as well as the place to relax, chill and have fun...
10 Best Universities in the World
Wherever you plan on studying, the likelihood is that you’re just thankful you got the grades, and if you didn’t get...
Improve communication Skills
Communication is a life skill that can lead to a lot of opportunities, both personally and professionally; good at...
Successful CV
Writing a successful CV (resume) is the difference between being added to the Yes pile rather than the No pile on a...
Learn to Do
Are you feeling inspired at the start of a new year to try and learn something new; something everybody else seems to...
Work from Home
For many the idea of working from home is a reality rather than a luxury. The reasons for working from home vary - mums...
Successful People
Success people seem to have things easy. Money, great job, great house, fabulous holidays and sometimes fame Becoming a...
Pay Rise
Every employee faces the dilemma of questioning their salary at one point of their service. Are you paid your worth?...
Job Interview Nerves
Job interviews are one of those times in life when we all feel a little (or a lot) nervous. But it doesn't have to be...
Amazing Jobs
From waterslide testers, to Lego and World of Warcraft players, we have found, courtesy of Wacky Wednesday, the 15 most...
YouTube Rich
From make-up tips to Minecraft gameplayers, YouTube is a place were the young can get mega-rich by just doing what they...
Excuses for Skiving Off Work
We've all been there. The sky is grey and it's freezing outside. Or you're nursing a hangover. But the alarm has just...
Teenage Millionaires
Self-made millionaires are hard to come by. But self-made teenage millionaires, well, in the age of the internet,...
Business Abbreviations and Acronyms
Most industries use abbreviations and acronyms and the business and office sector is no different. So, when you're face...
Types of Boss
You’d think it would be fairly simple, having a boss. You go to work, your boss tells you what to do and then you do it...
Laptop in a Cafe
A digital nomad is someone who lives a nomadic lifestyle (work from anywhere), and is able to do this due to the income...
Let’s go back in time thirty years. It was 1986 and we had no internet, no mobile phones and very little in the way of...
Learn to Code
Unless you've been living on Mars for the last 25 years you'll know that the people that have shaped the world the most...
Not Ready For Management
Some people make great employees and seem ready to step up into management, only to then completely change what made...
Management Role
Whichever industry you work in there will come a point when you feel that you're ready to step into a management role....
Working too Hard
There are two types of working too hard; the having a really bad job kind of too hard where your boss simply won’t...
Graduates Tired of Hearing
Being a student is one of those experiences that can make a person. You'll meet life-long friends, you'll (hopefully)...
Cover Your Mouth
There are certain common phrases that are used in the workplace that it might be wise to avoid using yourself. These...
Things to Leave Out of Your CV
A CV is your prospective new employer’s first look at who you are and what you might be able to offer their business....
Building a Business
Most people earn a living by working for someone else. However, in wanting to become their own boss one day, some...
Choosing your degree subject will likely change the entire course of your life. What most people want from life is...
Job Search
We have come up with 5 top tips to research a company before the job interview. Researching a company before an...


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