Online Courses

There are nearly three million people currently living with diabetes in the UK and experts predict that this number...
Alcohol Awareness
Alcohol misuse costs England around £21 billion in healthcare and crime every year. This cost varies from young people...
COSHH Risk Assessment
Approximately 27 million working days were lost due to work-related illness or workplace injury during 2012. Some of...
Dementia Awareness
In 2013, there were 44 million people living with dementia worldwide and this number is expected to more than triple in...
DSE Risk Assessment
Approximately 27 million working days were lost due to work-related illness or workplace injury during 2012. Some of...
Employment Rights and Responsibilities
This course covers everything employees and employers need to know about employment rights and responsibilities. There...
Essentials of Healthy Eating
Our Essentials course is a fantastic way to develop yourself in a number of areas, including Self Development, Social...
Healthy Eating
More than half of the people in England are overweight or obese. This includes 61.9% of adults and 28% of children....
Fire Safety
The latest government statistics in 2013 reported over 22,000 building fires with 350 deaths. Although figures are...
Food Safety
Millions of people fall ill every year and many die as a result of eating unsafe food. Most of these illnesses are...
Health and Safety
Approximately 27 million working days were lost due to work-related illness or workplace injury during 2012. Some of...
Exercise Studies
Regular physical activity helps reduce stress levels, improve sleep patterns, increase life quality and expectancy, and...
Personal and Social Development
Personal and social skills are highly important for all types of people in all walks of life. We interact with people...
Principles of Customer Service
More than 80% of business leaders in the UK believe customers are not only the biggest pressure point for businesses,...
Mental Health Problems
Did you know that one in four British adults experience at least one diagnosable mental health problem each year? The...
Business and Administration
Do you want to pursue a career in the business industry, or simply want to gain more knowledge about administrative...
Dignity and Safeguarding
Have you ever thought about how you could help protect innocent and vulnerable people who might be suffering from abuse...
Employability Skills
The number of unemployed people in the UK currently stands at more than two million and the number of people claiming...
End of Life
This qualification will help learners identify, develop and formally recognise their knowledge and skills surrounding...
Every year there are approximately 270,000 incidents of ‘hate crime’ in the UK. These are crimes that usually involve...
Nutrition and Health
More than 60% of adults in the UK are overweight and without action, experts believe that half of these will be obese...
Occupational Health and Safety
Approximately 27 million working days were lost due to work-related illness or workplace injury during 2012. Good...
Adult Social Care
Demand for adult social care is constantly rising as people who use the services are living longer, meaning there is an...
Control of Infection
"Every year one in 10 hospital patients develop a Healthcare Associated Infection during their stay in a UK hospital....
The NHS spent more than £13 billion on medicines in 2012 and experts believe that more than 50% of all medicines are...
This course will provide learners with an introduction to the role of a steward at spectator events. Learners will...
Team Leading
More than 30% of employed people in the UK are unhappy at work and 7% say they dislike their current job. The main...
Dementia Care
Every four seconds, a new case of dementia occurs somewhere in the world. This not only affects the person themselves,...
End of Life Care
In 2012, only half of the people who expressed their home as their preferred place to die actually died at home. In the...
Customer Service
81% of customers would be willing to pay more in order to receive superior customer service. The role of customer...


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