Course Guides

Whether you're looking for beauty courses, fitness, IT or trades, we've pulled together a number of course guides to help you find out a little more about what they entail. This means you can find out whether you think you're well suited to the coure - BEFORE - you go and pay up good money to start the course.

These guides to the most common courses could help save you big money, so they are worth checking out.

The Online Biology Course, offered by Ed-Next, is the international version of IGCSE. It aims to give students...
Business Studies
The Online Business Studies Course, offered by Ed-Next, is the international version of IGCSE. The objective of...
The Online Chemistry Course, offere by Ed-Next, is the international version of IGCSE. The objective of this course...
The Online English Course, offered by ed-Next, is the international version of IGCSE. The objective of this course...
The Online Geography Course, offered by Ed-Next, is the international version of IGCSE. The objective of this course is...
The Online History Course, offered by Ed-Next is the international version of IGCSE. This course aims to develop your...
The Online Mathematics Course, offered by Ed-Next, is the international version of IGCSE. The objective of this course...
The Online Physics Course, offered by Ed-Next, is the international version of IGCSE. The objective of this course is...
The Online Science Course, offered by Ed-Next, is the international version of IGCSE. The objective of this course is...
Travel and Tourism
The Online Travel & Tourism Course, offered by Ed-Next, is the international version of IGCSE. The objective of...
Our Online Sociology Course is the international version of IGCSE. The objective of this course is to develop knowledge...
Oracle Certified Java Programmer
Each year, over 30,000 Java Developers become certified on Java. Oracle's certification programme is an IT professional...
Oracle PL/SQL Developer
PL/SQL is one of three key programming languages embedded in the Oracle Database, along with SQL and Java, making it a...
Painting and Decorating Advanced
Once you’ve successfully completed basic painting or painting and decorating DIY, it makes sense to move on to the next...
Painting and Decorating DIY
The painting and decorating DIY course covers a myriad of different tasks associated with this trade. It will teach...
Painting and Decorating Level 2
The painting and decorating level 2 course is a fully comprehensive training that will enable you to achieve City and...
Painting and Decorating Level 3
Similar to painting and decorating level 2 but more advanced, the painting and decorating level 3 course will enable...
Part Time Fitness Training
Part time training courses within health and fitness are available for people looking to be gym instructors, fitness...
PAT Testing
The PAT testing course (Portable Appliance Testing) includes inspection and testing of electrical equipment and...
Patch Plastering
The patch plastering and coving course is handy if you want to learn how to repair damaged sections of plastering and...
Paving and Slabbing
The paving and slabbing course will enable you to design and lay out a patio area. It is designed to help you identify...
Personal Excellence
As a person with unique gifts to offer, it is your responsibility to use your talents wisely and it is your right to...
Personal Money Management
Make sure you know how to spend and save your money efficiently so you can afford to get the things you both need and...
Reduce Stress
If your current methods of coping with stress isn’t contributing to your greater emotional and physical health, it’s...
Personal Training Diploma Training
The Personal Training Diploma is an industry standard qualification awarded to graduates of a recognised personal...
Register of Exercise Professionals Logo
Whether you are at the beginning of your work life or have decided to make a career change into personal training, it...
PHP and MySQL Logo
Many modern websites use PHP as the programming language to make a web site dynamic and use a MySQL database to store...
PHP Logo
PHP is a programming language that is used mainly as the server side language for most web sites in the world. For...
Physical Activity for Children
Children's fitness and exercise is extremely important. Not only is it able to combat childhood obesity, but if...
Pilates is a physical fitness system develop by Joseph Pilates in 20th century. Pilates is popular in Germany, UK, USA...
