Online GCSE Travel and Tourism Course

Travel and Tourism

The Online Travel & Tourism Course, offered by Ed-Next, is the international version of IGCSE. The objective of this course is to develop student's knowledge of the travel and tourism industry. The student will acquire understanding of products and services used within travel and tourism industry. The student will also learn about the physical, social and economic environments in which travel and tourism takes place. The students will also develop understanding of different perspectives of travel and tourism.

Online GCSE Travel & Tourism course content

The Online GCSE Travel & Tourism course will include the following topics:

1. The travel and Tourism Industry

  • Investigate the social, cultural, economic and environmental impact of travel and tourism
  • Identify the role of national governments in forming tourism policy and promotion

2. Features of Worldwide Destinations

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the main global features
  • Demonstrate awareness of different time zones and climates
  • Investigate travel and tourism destinations
  • Identify and describe the features which attract tourists to a particular destination

4. Customer Care and Working Procedures

  • Identify the essential personal skills required when working in the travel and tourism industry
  • Follow basic procedures when handling customer enquiries, making reservations and payments
  • Explore the presentation and promotion of tourist facilities

5. Travel and Tourism Products and Services

  • Identify and describe tourism products
  • Describe support facilities for travel and tourism
  • Explore the features of worldwide transport in relation to major international routes

6. Marketing and Promotion

  • 'Product' as part of the marketing mix
  • 'Price' as part of the marketing mix
  • 'Place' as part of the marketing mix
  • 'Promotion' as part of the marketing mix

7. The Marketing and Promotion of Visitor Services

  • The provision of tourist products and services
  • Basic principles of marketing and promotion
  • Leisure travel services
  • Business travel services

During this course you will use a mixture of lessons, activities, core reading and assessments.

How will students develop on the Online Travel & Tourism GCSE course?

This course will enable students to:

  • Develop understanding of the travel and tourism industry
  • Theoretical knowledge of the industry, including relevant products and services, infrastructure and the transport system
  • Practical skills and procedures required to work in the travel and tourism industry
  • Critical awareness of the physical, social and economic environments in which travel and tourism takes place

Online GCSE Travel & Tourism course format

  • 24/7 access to all your materials
  • Course accessible on any portable device. It enables students to carry the classroom in their pockets
  • Online Lessons and Assessments
  • Interactive study environments, where you can collaborate with other students
  • 12 Months Tutor Support
  • Both Digital and Print resources
  • Live chat functionality with tutors and students
  • Direct links to media-rich and interactive learning resources

Course Duration

120 Guided Learning Hours (GLH)

Awarding Body Information

The Online GCSE Travel and Tourism Course is written to the CIE IGCSE Travel and Tourism syllabus (0471) . The International GCSE is an exact equivalent to the standard GCSE, more information on which can be found on the Edexcel IGCSE page.


As part of your Online GCSE Travel & Tourism Course you will be subject to Formative and Summative Assessments that are used to evaluate your progress.

  • Formative Assessment including: Activities, Multiple Choice Assessment, Short Answer and tutor marked Mock Exam.
  • Summative Assessment - Final Exam sat over 2 papers.

These assessments are used to prepare you for the Final Examination set by CIE (Cambridge International examination).


Exams are held twice a year: January and May/June. Exam timetables are published 12 months in advance and are available upon request.