Nutrition Training Courses

Exercise Nutrition

Nutrition training courses are the ideal addition to every gym instructor's, personal trainer's and fitness professional's qualification portfolio as it is often the final piece of the health and fitness triad; exercise, rest and nutrition. Although we are all aware that a healthy balanced diet, coupled with exercise, is the best way to a better body, on a whole the general public are often unaware of what actually constitutes a healthy diet and what kind of proportions of carbohydates, proetin and health fats they should be eating on a daily basis.

Fitness professionals, without formal training in nutrition, often offer nutritional advice based on their own personal findings and experiences. However, whilst this advice is well intentioned, it is not always the best advice for the client; remember gym instructors and personal trainers are often extremely conscious about their diet and their level of dedication may not be attainable for the average person. Therefore, studying nutrition would better give many fitness professionals a better understanding of what the average man and woman on the street wants and needs in terms of dietary advice.

Nutrition course content

Their is no simple best nutritional training course on the market. Each tends to focus on different aspects of nutrition; exercise nutrition, nutrition for weight loss, nutrition for sports performance and nutrition for weight management are just a few of the training course qualifications available. However, most course do cover similar components, including:

  • Food labelling
  • Dietary analysis
  • Reading a nutritional diary
  • Micro and macro nutrients
  • Weight management
  • Pre and post exercise nutrition
  • Calorie requirements
  • Glycaemic Index
  • Energy systems
  • Goal setting

Which ever recognised nutrition training course fitness professionals take will gain them credits to maintain or improve their Register of EXercise Professionals (REPs) status.

Visit our training course directory and find out more details about enrolling on to a nutrition training courses available with leading fitness course providers.