10 Essential Things to Learn

Learn to Do

Are you feeling inspired at the start of a new year to try and learn something new; something everybody else seems to know how to do apart from you? Well now is your chance. We here at CourseFeeder.com have compiled a list of 10 things everyone should know how to do.

1. Learn to cook - This doesn't mean a burnt bit of toast, or well prepared toast topped off with a tin of baked beans for that matter. Being able to cook at least one classic dish is a must.

2. How to put up a shelf - A piece of wood, two brackets, a hammer and a spirit level (the crucial piece of equipment). There is really nothing to a little basic DIY, so why can't you do it?

3. Changing a wheel - Chances are you will break down at some point, probably when driving alone. So what better skill to learn how to know that changing a wheel?

4. Make a good first impression - First impressions count so look confident and presentable, smile and relax.

5. Remember people's names - I have a friend that can remember the names of people he once met 20 years go. Learn to do the same.

6. Learn to sing - Whether is rockin' out in the shower, playing Sing Star or the Xbox or singing carols Christmas, learning to sing will give you and others great pleasure.

7. Know first and CPR - Learning first-aid and CPR is a life skill that know one should be without, especially if you have children.

8. Ask someone out on a date - No one likes being told "No", but asking people out on dates, even if you face rejection builds up your confidence to ask the next person and the next and the next.

9. Learn to sew - 9 times out of 10 a button will fall off your lucky shirt or favourite trousers just before you leave the house. Learning to sew, even a little is a skill everyone should know.

10. Basic computer skills - Whether it's using Word to draft a letter, emailing your great-granddaughter or using Skype to make a call, basic computer skills are essential in most places of work and at home.

If you have a skill that you think we should include please let us know.