40 Useful Business Abbreviations and Acronyms That You Need to Know

Business Abbreviations and Acronyms

Most industries use abbreviations and acronyms and the business and office sector is no different. So, when you're face with an abbreviation and acronym that you don't understand use this index to help you out on a few.

ABC - application service provider

B2B - business to business

B2C - business to consumer

CAD - computer aided design

CEO - chief executive officer

CFO - chief financial officer

CIO - chief investment officer

COO - chief operating officer

CPA - cost per action

CPC - cost per click

CRM - customer relations management

CTO - chief technology officer

DOE - depending on experiment

ESOP - employee stock ownership plan

FILO - first in / last out

GAAP - generally accepted accounting principles

IPO - initial public offering

ISP - internet service provider

ITC - information communication technology

KPI - key performance indicators

LTD - limited company

MILE - maximum impact, little effort

MOOC - massive open online course

MSRP - manufacturer’s suggested retail price

NDA - non-disclosure agreement

NOI - net operating income

NRN - no reply necessary

OTC - over the counter

P & L - profit and loss

PR - public relations

QC - quality control

R & D - research and development

ROI - return on investment

RRP - recommended retail price

SEO - search engine optimization

SOHO - small office / home office

SLA - service level agreement

VAT - value added tax

VC - venture capital

VPN - virtual private network

If you can think of anymore that we haven't listed please let us know by commenting below.