The objective of our Online A-Level English Language & Literature Course to develop student's ability to use linguistic and literary approaches in their reading and interpretation of texts. The course will engage students with different texts and they will also learn to look for relationships between texts. Students will also develop their language skills through independent study.
Online A-Level English Language & Literature Studies Course Structure
The Online A-Level English Language and Literature course will include the following topics:
1. Integrated Analysis and Text Production
2. Analysing Speech and its Representation
3. Comparative Analysis and Text Adaptation
4. Comparative Analysis through Independent Study
Candidates are required to study at least one poetry text, a genre not available at AS level. Candidates must choose one text from List A; they may then either choose one other text from List A or one text from List B.
During this course you will use a mixture of lessons, activities, core reading and assessments.
What skills does the Online A-Level English Language and Literature Course develop?
The Online A-Level English Language and Literature Course develops:
- Use integrated linguistic and literary approaches in their reading and interpretation of texts
- Involve creatively and independently with a broad range of spoken, written and multimodal texts
- Undertake independent and sustained studies to develop their skills as producers and interpreters of language.
Online A-Level English Language and Literature Course Format
- 24/7 access to all your materials
- Course accessible on any portable device. It enables students to carry the classroom in their pockets
- Online Lessons and Assessments
- Interactive study environments, where you can collaborate with other students
- 12 Months Tutor Support
- Both Digital and Print resources
- Live chat functionality with tutors and students
- Direct links to media-rich and interactive learning resources
Course Duration
360 hours GLH (Guided Learning Hours)
The course contains a number of assignments which your tutor will mark and give the student valuable feedback on. These are called Tutor Marked Assignments (TMAs).
AS Level
- Unit 1 - ELLA 1: Integrated Analysis and Text Production
- Section A: One question on literary and stylistic issues (advised to spend 40 minutes)
- Section B: One language production task (advised to spend 50 minutes)- Available in June
- Unit 2 - ELLA 2: Analysing Speech and its Representation
- Section A: One unseen analysis (advised to spend 45 minutes)
- Section B: One question on the set text (advised to spend 45 minutes)- Available in June
A2 Level
- Unit 3 - ELLA 3: Comparative Analysis and Text Adaptation
- Section A: One question of unseen analysis (advised to spend 90 minutes)
- Section B: One production question on a set text (advised to spend 60 minutes)- Available in June
- Unit 4 - ELLA 4: Comparative Analysis through Independent Study- (NB Unit 4 is examined by coursework alone)
AS + A2 = A Level in English Language and Literature. Both AS and A2 level courses and examinations must be successfully completed to gain a full A Level.