Online A-Level Physics Course

A-Level Physics

The objective of our Online A-Level Physics Course to develop student's understanding of how science contributes to the success of society. The student will develop understanding about different areas of physics and how they relate to each other. The student will also acquire skills and knowledge of how science works, which will prepare the student for advanced study.

Online A-Level Physics Course Structure

The Online A-Level Physics course will include the following topics:

1. Particles, quantum phenomena and electricity

  • Particles and Radiation
  • Electromagnetic Radiation and Quantum Phenomena
  • Current Electricity
  • 2. Mechanics, materials and waves

  • Mechanics
  • Materials
  • Waves
  • 3. Investigative and practical skills in AS Physics

  • Route X- Investigative and Practical skills(externally marked)
  • 4. Fields and further mechanics

  • Gravitation
  • Electric Fields
  • Capacitance
  • Magnetic Fields
  • 5. Nuclear Physics, Thermal Physics and Astrophysics

  • Radioactivity
  • Nuclear Energy
  • Cosmology
  • 6. Investigative and practical skills in A2 Physics

  • Route X- Investigative and Practical skills(externally marked).
  • Note that you will need to contact your examination centre to discuss the practical work you will undertake. Also note that your tutor has no involvement in this stage.

    During this course you will use a mixture of lessons, activities, core reading and assessments.

    What skills will Online A-Level Physics students develop?

    The Online A-Level Physics course will enable students to:

    • Develop their enthusiasm for the subject, including developing an interest in further study and careers in the subject
    • Understand how society makes decisions about scientific issues and how the sciences contribute to the success of the economy and society
    • Develop a deeper appreciation of the skills, knowledge and understanding of How Science Works
    • Develop essential knowledge and understanding of different areas of the subject and how they relate to each other.

    Online A-Level Physics Course Format

    • 24/7 access to all your materials
    • Course accessible on any portable device. It enables students to carry the classroom in their pockets
    • Online Lessons and Assessments
    • Interactive study environments, where you can collaborate with other students
    • 12 Months Tutor Support
    • Both Digital and Print resources
    • Live chat functionality with tutors and students
    • Direct links to media-rich and interactive learning resources

    Course Duration

    360 hours GLH (Guided Learning Hours)


    The course contains a number of assignments which your tutor will mark and give the student valuable feedback on. These are called Tutor Marked Assignments (TMAs).


    AS Level

    • Unit 1: PHYA1 Particles, quantum phenomena and electricity- Examination paper: 1 hour 15 minutes
    • Unit 2: PHYA2 Mechanics, materials and waves- Examination paper: 1 hour 15 minutes
    • Unit 3: Investigative and practical skills in AS Physics- PHA3X, Externally Marked Route X

    A2 Level

    • Unit 4: PHYA4 Fields and further mechanics- Examination paper: 1 hour 45 minutes
    • Unit 5: PHA5A Nuclear Physics, Thermal Physics- plus Option A - Astrophysics- Examination paper: 1 hour 45 minutes
    • Unit 6: Investigative and practical skills in A2 Physics- PHA6X, Externally Marked Route X

    AS + A2 = A level in Physics. Both AS and A2 level courses and examinations must be successfully completed to gain a full A level.