Studio Cycling Instructor Training Courses

Studio Cycling Instructor

Studio cycling is on offer at all major UK health clubs, fitness centres and leisure centres. Classes like spinning and Les Mills RPM allow participants to get a great cardio workout to the sounds of high energy, pumping music in a group exercise class environment. Studio cycling classes are a great way to socailise as well as develop leg strength, muscle tone, aerobic capacity and lung function.

Who is the Studio Cycling Instructor course aimed at?

Typically students of a studio cycling instructor course are already gym and fitness instructors and personal trainers looking to branch out into teaching group exercise classes. Studio cycling courses usually run over the course of a single day so students need to have acquired key fitness knowledge (i.e. anatomy and physiology, benefits of exercise, body adaptation to exercise etc.) on previous courses, hence the need to be a Register of Exercise Professional (REPs) Level 2 or more fitness professional before booking onto an indoor cycling or studio cycling training course.

Studio Cycling Instructor training course content

Whether students enrol onto a Schwinn spinning bikes training course, a Les Mills UK RPM instructor training course, a Keiser Cycling instructor training course via the YMCA or a similar studio cycling instructor training course with Premier Training, Focus, Lifetime, Future Fit and other training course providers, the content of the courses will understandably similar. Each studio cycling instructor training course will teach elements including:

  • The benefits of studio cycling
  • Cycle set up for the instructor and class participants
  • Correct cycling technique
  • Cycling profiles and drills
  • Planning, structure and delivery of a studio cycling class
  • Monitoring intensity of each cycle riding drill (e.g. employing the Rate of Perceived Exersion to gauge rider fitness)

Each course, as previously stated usually runs over a single day, in which students will need to demonstrate cycling competence before graduating.

Graduating the Studio Cycling Instructor training course

Graduates of a Studio Cycling Instructor course will be able to deliver an up tempo, high energy group exercise class that many gym users enjoy. All fitness professionals who are new studio cycling instructors will have added a new string to their bow by adding another fitness technique to their career portfolio, making them more attractive to health clubs and gyms when seeking new employment.

Visit our training course directory and find out more details about studio cycling instructor courses with the UK's leading fitness course providers.