Circuit training instructors are able to put a group exercise class through their paces with a combination of resistance exercises, body weight exercises, runs, sprints and classic fitness activities including skipping and boxing pad work. Typically circuit training classes will be delivered within fitness centres, health clubs and leisure centres by a single instructor who will demonstrate all the exercises before motivating and challenging participants to develop their fitness levels with shuttle runs, press ups, lunges, plyometric-style exercises and resistance work.
Who is the Circuit Training Instructor course aimed at?
Circuit training instructors typically already hold a Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs) Level 2 award as a fitness instructor, gym instructor, Exercise to Music or similar qualification. As such most course providers will not cover elements (anatomy and physiology etc.) already obtained on earlier courses. The majority of circuit training instructor courses expects students to already understand and be able to explain elements of fitness and exercise. Also experience of participating in and watching circuit training classes will always be an advantage to students looking to enrol onto a circuit training course.
Circuit Training Instructor Course content
The length and detail of a circuit training instructor course depends totally on the entry level of the student. For example the YMCA Fit circuit training instructor course runs over a single day, whereas the Premier Training International circuit training instructor course runs for two weeks, consisting of a 1 day work shop and a 1 day assessment the following week.
The course content of the Circuit Training Instructor course will consist of a mix of theory and practical elements, with heavy emphasis on the latter. Assessment will be purely based on components taught, which include:
- How to plan, teach and evaluate a safe and effective circuit training session
- Health and safety considerations
- Circuit training alternatives and techniques
- Setting up a session
Graduating the Circuit Training Instructor course
Graduates of a health and fitness recognised circuit training instructor course will be able to teach circuit training classes within private health clubs, leisure centres and fitness centres.
Graduates will also find that they have amassed points towards the renewal of their Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs) membership.
Visit our training course directory and find out more details about enrolling on to a circuit training course with the UK's leading fitness course providers.