Course Type
180 hours
Various dates throughout the year

About this course

The process of becoming Oracle Database certified broadens your knowledge and skills by exposing you to a wide array of important database features, functions and tasks. Our training course teaches you how to master the skills associated with becoming Oracle (OCA) Certified. You'll become more valuable to your current and/or future potential employer. Earning this in demand certification will expand your job opportunities, support job stability and speed up your career. The Oracle Database 12c Administrator Certification ensures that as database professionals you have a strong foundation and expertise in the industry's most advanced database management system, Oracle 12c.

Our training course prepares you for Oracle's certification exams, IZ0-061 and IZ0-062. Your training will include topics such as how to install and maintain an Oracle database, cloud computing, how to create an operational database and properly manage the various structures in an effective and efficient manner including performance monitoring, database security, user management, and backup/recovery techniques.

Students will also learn skills required for working with SQL, including how to use the advanced features of SQL in order to query and manipulate data within the database, control privileges at the object and system level, and use advanced querying and reporting techniques.

Prerequisite(s): None

OCA: Oracle Database 12c Administrator Certified Associate Module 1
Introducing Oracle Database 12c RDBMS and SQL

  • Relational Database Management Systems
  • Oracle Database 12c Implementation
  • Familiarizing SQL* Plus
  • SQL Fundamentals
  • Oracle Datatypes
  • Operators and Literals
  • Writing Sample Queries
  • Filtering and Sorting Rows
  • Accepting Values at Runtime

OCA: Oracle Database 12c Administrator Certified Associate Module 2
Using Single-Row Functions

  • Single-Row Function Fundamentals
  • Functions for NULL Handling
  • Single-Row Character Functions
  • Single-Row Numeric Functions
  • Single-Row Date Functions
  • Single-Row Conversion Functions
  • Other Single-Row Functions
  • Overview and Descriptions
  • Function Conversions

OCA: Oracle Database 12c Administrator Certified Associate Module 3
Group Functions, Joins, Subqueries and Manipulating Data

  • Group Function Fundamentals
  • Utilizing Aggregate Functions
  • Writing Multiple-Table Queries
  • Using Set Operators
  • Using Subqueries
  • Using DML Statements
  • Inserting, Updating, Deleting and Merging Rows from a Table
  • Understanding Transaction Control

OCA: Oracle Database 12c Administrator Certified Associate Module 4
Introducing Oracle Database Components and Architecture

  • Database Objectives Overview
  • Built-in Datatypes
  • Creating Tables
  • Modifying Tables
  • Managing Constraints
  • Oracle Database Fundamentals
  • Oracle 12c Objects
  • Interacting with Oracle Database 12c
  • Oracle Database Architecture

OCA: Oracle Database 12c Administrator Certified Associate Module 5
Creating and Operating Oracle Database 12c

  • Oracle Database 12c Software Installation
  • Universal Installer
  • Using DBCA to Create an Oracle 12c Database
  • Working with Oracle Database Metadata
  • Managing Initialization-Parameter Files
  • Starting Up and Shutting Down an Oracle Instance
  • Monitoring the Database Alert Log

OCA: Oracle Database 12c Administrator Certified Associate Module 6
Storage and Space Management and Managing Data Concurrency

  • Physical and Logical Storage
  • Contents of a Data Block
  • Managing Tablespaces
  • Managing Data Files
  • Managing Space
  • Managing Data Changes Using DML
  • Differentiating Undo and Redo
  • Managing Data Concurrency
  • Understanding Locks and Transactions

OCA: Oracle Database 12c Administrator Certified Associate Module 7
Understanding Oracle Network Architecture

  • Introducing Network Configurations
  • An Overview of Oracle Net Features
  • Configuring Oracle Net on the Server
  • Configuring Oracle Net for the Client
  • Oracle Shared Server
  • Database Resident Connection Pooling
  • Communicating Between Databases

OCA: Oracle Database 12c Administrator Certified Associate Module 8
Implementing Security and Auditing

  • Creating and Managing User Accounts
  • Configuring Authentication
  • Granting and Revoking Privileges
  • Controlling Resource Usage by Users
  • Auditing Database Activity
  • Managing Statement, Privilege and Object Auditing
  • Using SQL Developer for Audit Management

OCA: Oracle Database 12c Administrator Certified Associate Module 9
Maintaining the Database and Managing Performance

  • Proactive Database Maintenance
  • Managing Optimizer Statistics
  • Gathering Performance Statistics
  • The Advisory Framework
  • Managing Performance
  • Sources of Tuning Information
  • Tuning Memory
  • Automatic Management

OCA: Oracle Database 12c Administrator Certified Associate Module 10
Using Backup and Recovery

  • Understanding and Configuring Recovery Components
  • Control Files
  • Checkpoints
  • Redo Log Files
  • Performing Backups
  • Backup Terminology
  • Understanding Types of Database Failures
  • Performing Recovery Operations
  • Using the Data Recovery Advisor

OCA: Oracle Database 12c Administrator Certified Associate Module 11
Resources, Jobs and Upgrading

  • Resource Management with the Resource Manager
  • Configuring Database Manager Components
  • Task Automation with Oracle Scheduler
  • Determining the Database Upgrade Model
  • Preparing for a Database Upgrade
  • Upgrading the Database
  • Performing a Manual Upgrade

OCA: Oracle Database 12c Administrator Certified Associate Module 12
Using Grid Infrastructure and Data Movement Tools

  • Tools for Moving Data
  • Migrating Data Using Data Pump
  • Data Pump Architecture
  • Loading Data with SQL* Loader
  • SQL* Loader Command-Line Parameters
  • Populating External Tables
  • Introducing Grid Infrastructure
  • Installing Oracle Grid Infrastructure
  • Managing Oracle ASM Storage

**Outlines are subject to change, as courses and materials are updated.**

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