About this course
There are so many cool new things happening on the web today (like every day). CSS3 is the newest flavor of CSS and is something that most sites can't do without. In this CSS3 Web Design course, you will learn what CSS3 is,CSS3 New Features, CSS3 Browser Compatibility, how you can use it, and learn the most widely used features such as round corners, drop shadows, media queries, @font-face, animations, and more. Towards the end of the course, you'll also explore the different options for getting older browsers to either apply the new CSS3 content or create fallbacks.
Note: This course is intended to cover the new features in CSS3 and not the entire spec.
Intended Audience: Web designers, Front-end web developers, designers
Requirements: Some basic CSS and HTML knowledge are suggested
What are the requirements?
- Basic knowledge of HTML and CSS required
What am I going to get from this course?
- Over 25 lectures and 5 hours of content!
- What is CSS3?
- Can I use CSS3 today?
- Understanding CSS methods
- Box-shadow (drop shadow)
- Border-radius (rounded corners)
- Border-image
- Applying multiple backgrounds
- Background clip/ background origin
- Background-size
- Applying background gradients
- Ways to describe color (rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla)
- Applying opacity (transparency)
- Rotate content using transform
- Text shadow
- Using your own hosted fonts with @font-face
- CSS3 Selectors
- Understanding box-sizing
- Media queries for responsive design
- CSS3 transitions
- CSS3 animations
- Using PIE for IE
- Using Selectivizr to get selectors to work in IE
- Working with conditional comments
- Using Modernizr to detect CSS3 and HTML5
- Using Respond.js for IE media queries
What is the target audience?
- Anyone interested in learning what is new with CSS