Course Type
2 hours
Various dates throughout the year
Entry Requirements
All Levels

About this course

Responsive web design has gained a lot of momentum within the past 5 years. In today's market of countless mobile devices, you are one step ahead in terms of web marketting when you have a responsive mobile website. In light of that, why not take the opportunity to learn how to get started with transitioning from building old, non-responsive website to the modern web world of fluid and engaging mobile-friendly web designs.

In this course, using direct approaches, I will teach how to build such websites. This is a very focussed course and I intentionally removed unnecessary material which I believe only distracts students from what they need to know. I know this from experience, and hence the reason the course is not that long. So lean back , relax and come along this exciting journey which is responsive web design.

Please donot forget to give feedback so I can improve future courses and also I'll know how I am doing with this course. I'll appreciate it and plus it'd take less than a minute, so go on click that feedback button.

What are the requirements?

  • Any text editor will do
  • A modern browser, chrome recommended
  • A basic knowledge of html and css

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 12 lectures and 1 hour of content!
  • Learn How to get started with responsive design by doing
  • Learn about some of the decisions you have to make when building a responsive website
  • Get an idea of what responsive design is

What is the target audience?

  • This course is by default targetted at beginners who have knowledge of html but want to get started building responsive websites.
  • More advanced users could benefit from it as well because there is emphasis on clean code, class names, css organisation and such.
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