Course Type
15 hours
Various dates throughout the year
Entry Requirements
All Levels

About this course

Have you ever wondered how you could get that magnificent idea from your brain onto the web? You see so many great websites (and a couple of not so great ones), and you can't help but think, "I could do that!"

If so, then this course is perfect for you. Instead of drilling down with lots of useless snippets and complicated examples, this course will focus on functional application that you can use right away.

You will learn how to code a website from scratch, in a structure that will make it easy to apply Responsive Design styles to. You will also learn how to use basic PHP snippets to make updating common parts of your website easier than a traditional static website.

This course includes all the following, and more:

  • HTML Fundamentals
  • CSS Fundamentals
  • Basic PHP Introduction
  • Font Usage and Google Font Substitution
  • Website Testing
  • Responsive Design and Media Queries
  • Troubleshooting and Error checking Guidelines
  • 74 Lectures, File downloads, and 15 hours of content

The best part about this course is that it makes no assumptions on your skill level. If you know nothing, or a whole lot of something, you'll find techniques in this course that you can apply to your next project. All of the material used in this course is real world application. All of the examples used are based off the structure you will be learning, so it's been proven to work in production

If this sounds right for you and you're ready to get started, just click the Take This Course button to the right and we'll begin!

What are the requirements?

  • Mac or PC
  • Web Browser. Chrome or Firefox is recommended, but any will do.
  • Text editor. I use the Adobe Suite.

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 74 lectures and 14 hours of content!
  • take the structure and fundamentals learned to create simple, and complex websites for just about anything
  • take many CSS and HTML fundamentals from example to production
  • find and fix common errors that occur in the coding process
  • Create a responsive site from scratch, or retrofit an existing site

What is the target audience?

  • This HTML and CSS course is designed for those who have little to no experience creating websites, but want to learn. This is directed at static website development, so no major PHP or database applications will be covered.
  • If you are looking for a good refresher course - for more experienced individuals.
  • Individuals wanting to make websites more accessible with Responsive Design
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