Free CV Templates

Free CV Templates

Writing your CV is one of the most important tasks you do when applying for a new job. But writing a great CV can be confusing, especially if you have special circumstances; you've just graduated from university, you're currently unemployed, you're changing your career or you it is your first job etc.

Fear not, below are a number of templates from that we have conveniently linked to.

The unemployed CV

Being currently unemployed isn't a reason for employers to dismiss you job application out of hand, as long as your CV is good. In order to create a good CV during periods of unemployment, try and make sure that gaps don't begin to appear in your CV. Volunter for different jobs, do a training course (or two) - in fact anything that will show that even whilst unemployed you were motivated.

The unemployed CV template

The unemployed CV with gaps

The unemployed CV with gaps template is aimed at those people where gaps have started to appear in their CV. Again, in order to boost your chances of future employment, if you notice gaps appearing in your CV whilst unemployed, make sure you do something meaningful in your spare time, like coach your local football team, do an additional course or help out at a local business.

The unemployed CV with gaps template

The school leavers CV

The school leavers CV template is aimed at people who have left school or college and have skipped university to get their first job. For school leavers it important that their CV to stands out, so a school leaver can successfully apply for their first paying job.

The school leavers CV template

The graduate CV

So you have finally graduated from university. But now you have to apply for a job. The graduate CV template allows graduates to demonstrate the skills they have learnt on their university course as well as allowing them to highlight any summer jobs they may have been doing during a degree.

The graduate CV template

The career ladder climber CV

The career ladder climber CV is aimed at those people who feel like they are ready to apply for a more senior role, whether in their current company or a new firm.

The career ladder climber CV template

The career change CV

Changing career is a courageous and bold step to take. The career change CV template focuses on the trasnferable experience and skills you have gained in your previous career(s), that will be attractive to future employers.

The career change CV template

The career break CV

The career break CV template is aimed at people who have been lucky enough to take a break from work but now wish to return. Such examples of career breaks include havinga  baby, travelling and trying something new.

The career break CV template