Course Type
24 hours
Various dates throughout the year

About this course

As a person with unique gifts to offer, it is your responsibility to use your talents wisely and it is your right to enjoy yourself while doing so. In this class we will learn what it takes to develop career-enhancing skills that include: goal setting, time management, and personal organization. You will learn the crucial steps it takes to improve your creative abilities, gain confidence and minimize conflict in your life. Just as a successful business requires a mission and a plan, so does a fulfilling life.

* You have 4 weeks to complete this course from date of your enrollment.

Personal Excellence Module 1
Your Mission and Vision in Life

In week one, we will learn what a strategic plan is and why you need one in your life. We will also go over the finding your main purpose in life and how to take the steps to reaching that goal of success.

  • Life Strategic Plan
  • Why Have a Strategic Plan
  • Find Your Purpose
  • Your Personal Mission
  • Your Vision of Success

Personal Excellence Module 2
Success Factors in Life

This week we will look at what it is that you need in order to succeed. So many times we are pulled way and distracted by menial things and our success is deferred.

  • Critical Success Factors
  • Finding Your Strengths
  • Finding Your Weaknesses
  • Finding Your Opportunities
  • Finding Your Threats

Personal Excellence Module 3
Steps to Success

What goals would you like to set for yourself? This week we will study how we can implement goals and follow through on accomplishing them. We will touch on time management and how happiness is sometimes left out of our daily schedules.

  • Setting Goals
  • SMART Goals
  • Time and Emotions Study
  • Time Management
  • What Makes You Happy

Personal Excellence Module 4
Creating Your Simplementation Plan

In our final week we will discuss how to select our successful strategies and how to implement them. We will also go over what happens when you are overwhelmed, or feel like there isn't enough time €œ there are strategies to help overcome these obstacles. Finally, we will learn how to create our own Simplementation plan and apply it to everyday life.

  • Selecting Successful Strategies
  • Implementing Strategies Into a Plan
  • How to Prioritize
  • Overcoming Obstacles
  • How to Create a Simplementation Plan
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