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Course Type
2 Hours
Various dates throughout the year
Entry Requirements
Beginner Level

About this course

In this course you will learn basic vocabulary and phrases in Spanish that you can use on a daily basis. This is a Spanish class for English speakers that want to learn some Spanish or may need to learn Spanish for their job, vacation, trip and just to communicate with Spanish speaking individuals in their city or home community. You do not need to have any previous knowledge of Spanish to take this course.

There are 27 topics covered in this course. Each topic includes a video lecture with examples sentences of how to use each Spanish phrase or word in real world context. To complete this course it will take approximately 1.5 hours; though you will want to watch some lessons more than once to ensure you understand the new language, vocabulary and phrases that are presented, including Greetin, Good-Bys, Color, Days of the wee, Months of the yer, Shopping Foodrinks, Where are you from?, Jobs/Profession, Weather/Season, Talking about your want, Talking about your nees, Talking about what you are doin, Talking about the pa, Talking about the future Talking about liks, Talking about disliks, Talking about your feeling, What to do when you d't understan, Tips to help you communicate successfully in Spanhis.

In this course you will learn all the basic Spanish you need to be able to successfully communicate at a beginner level.

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