Course Type
2 hours
Various dates throughout the year
Entry Requirements
All Levels

About this course

Information of this calibre is hard to find; Helen is an expert and a very generous one too! Mailing lists, lead magnets this is like a mini degree in Facebook marketing." Claire G

Tired of spending precious time on your Facebook page when only a handful of people ever get to see what you've posted?

(Course updated October 2015)

Since mid-2014, it's become a huge challenge for a micro business (0-9 employees) to get their Facebook page posts seen by the people who have liked their page.

One solution is to pay for Facebook advertising, but many micro business owners don't...

- Have the skills to do that effectively, or

- The time to learn how to do it right, or

- The budget to outsource it to a consultant.

And even if they can do one of those things, they want to keep their ad budget as low as they possibly can. And who can blame them?

If you're nodding your head in agreement, you'll want to seriously consider using Facebook groups for marketing. Here's why:

- Posts in Facebook group posts are far more likely to appear in member's feeds compared to posts on a Facebook page.

- If you do it right, you can use a Facebook group to build trust, grow relationships and position yourself as the go-to expert.

- You're not just promoting a product, you're building a community of fans who will tell each other how great your product or service is and invite their friends too.

But it's not as easy as it sounds. As an administrator of several Facebook groups for micro business owners, I know first-hand how many of them go about their marketing in precisely the wrong way.

Far from bringing in new clients and sales from Facebook groups, they annoy people, risk having their Facebook account closed for engaging in commercial activity where it isn't allowed or simply waste their marketing efforts on techniques that don't work.

Take this course and I'll show you how to use Facebook groups for marketing the right way, including:

- What to post and how to interact in other people's Facebook groups to benefit your business

- How to design and set up your own Facebook group so that it leads to new clients and sales

- How to quickly and easily create content for your own group so that you delight your existing members and attract new ones

- How to be the group member and the group administrator that everyone loves

- How to set up your Facebook group, profile and pages so that you can build a mailing list from your activity in groups

Taught by social media marketing trainer Helen Lindop, this is a practical course with action steps throughout. If you follow the steps you'll have your own Facebook group set up and running by the end of the course.

Join this course now and your business won't be invisible on Facebook any more!

#facebook #facebookmarketing #facebookgroups #facebookforbusiness

What are the requirements?

  • You'll need to have had at least a little experience of marketing your business online, even if that wasn't as successful as you'd hoped!
  • You'll need to be starting or already running a micro business (0- 9 employees)

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 41 lectures and 2 hours of content!
  • Discover how to participate effectively in Facebook groups in order to get more clients and sales.
  • Learn how to design, set up, manage and moderate your own Facebook group in order to get more clients and sales.
  • Understand how to use your activity in groups to build your email marketing list.
  • Follow the action steps in the course as you set up your own group based on your own marketing goals, create valuable content and find group members and administrators.

What is the target audience?

  • If you are frustrated by posting updates on your Facebook page that hardly anyone who likes your page ever gets to see, then this course is for you.
  • This course is for you if you're a micro business owner (0-9 employees) who has a little experience of using Facebook for marketing but you are struggling to get clients or sales from it.
  • This course is also for you if you're already participating in Facebook groups but aren't seeing any business results for your efforts.
  • This course is for you if you're ready to implement what you learn as you work through the course.
  • This course isn't for you if you've never used Facebook before.
  • If you're a competent social media user for personal use but have never used it for marketing then this course may be a little challenging.
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