Course Type
3 hours
Various dates throughout the year
Entry Requirements
intermediate Level

About this course

This course is about learning the core principles of making an RPG game with Construct 2. Making an RPG is broad but with these lectures you will find it is easier than you think. The disclaimer I have is this: Come into this course with a plan. If you want to just learn the principles that is absolutely fine. By the end you will have a completed RPG engine. But, if you want to make your own RPG then plan out your game. Use these principles and ideas and expand on them and this course will be worth twice what you paid!

What material is included?

In the beginning of the course you have access to all of the assets used (art, animations) so you can make the same game along with me. In the download you will find the .capx we create at the end of the lecture! Note: There is no sound because I wanted this to just focus on the principles of the game.

What does this course include?

Intuitive Player Movement!

  • Interact-able hotbar with attacks and abilites!
  • Static NPC story arc Chat!
  • Real time user data!
  • Melee Attack!
  • Configurable projectile attack
  • Healing ability
  • Dynamic Camera
  • Enemy AI using Line of Sight
  • Enemy movement
  • Player health and death
  • End game
  • Random enemy spawning
  • Pushing the limits of Construct Free but great for C2 Personal
  • All assets are free to use for commercial use.
  • Why take this course?

    This course is geared to those who have always wanted to know what it takes to make an RPG. I will tell you right now, it's a lot of work. But I guarantee this course will jump start any effort you put into making a complete "RPG" game.

    Is this course right for me?

    If you have never programmed before this course this might be a bit over your head. Even with Construct 2, you still need to learn the basics! If you have programmed before this course will be perfect for you to follow along!

    How is this course structured?

    I structure all of my courses differently each time. However, this course is a broken down version of how to make a finish RPG. Since RPGS are all different, it's the skeletal structure one might need to actually move forward and finish their game! All of my courses and lectures are taught in a way where there is no fluff, just straight dive into the code and program. Learn the craft while using the tool.

    I hope to see you in the lectures!

    Your future instructor,


    What are the requirements?

    • At least the FREE version of Construct 2
    • If you want to make your own RPG come into this course with a well-defined plan for the game. Structure the game with an objective and a way to complete that objective and this course will jumpstart you like you wouldn't believe.
    • Basic knowledge of programming

    What am I going to get from this course?

    • Over 47 lectures and 3 hours of content!
    • Jumpstart their own RPG game with Construct 2
    • Learn the principles of making an RPG game
    • Create an interact-able hotbar in Construct 2
    • Learn how to create an intuitive movement system
    • Collect realtime user inputted data for our game
    • Display realtime user inputted data within the RPG
    • Learn how to create a Melee attack!
    • Create loot for the enemies to drop !
    • Know how to utilize these principles to jumpstart your own RPG once the course is finished
    • Create a static NPC that can display a story-arc message for you!
    • See how easy it is actually implement things you may have thought were very difficult
    • Create real time combat for your player to interact with!
    • Learn how to make simple Enemy AI giving our player an objective!

    What is the target audience?

    • If you have no experience programming whatsoever try one of my other Construct 2 courses before this one. This course is for those who have a little bit more than basic knowledge of how programming works!
    • If you have used Construct 2 and have always wanted to make an RPG this is the course for you!
    • IF you are expecting a full blown RPG by the end of this course then you are out of your mind. These kind of games take years to make with tons of planning. I hope to jumpstart you on your quest but by no means promise an insane mega game!
    Enquire now

    Enquire now