Course Type
2 hours
Various dates throughout the year
Entry Requirements
Beginner Level

About this course

WordPress Theme Customization 101 is a beginner's course to more advanced WordPress customization and changes.

This is the first of a series of "watch over my shoulder" style advanced WordPress theme customization training courses, where you get to follow along as I walk you through the exact process to perform specific and varied customizations on real-world websites that either I own/have created or have customized for clients.

In this first "101" course, I walk you through a very basic WordPress Theme Customization which involves a website I did for a client.

The first part of this course covers WordPress Theme basics and understandings so you have a good grip on how themes and WordPress work together with content, plugins, etc.

After this basic understanding foundation is laid, I walk through the entire process, from a fresh install of WordPress with no customizations, to a finished site...covering everything along the way from identifying what we wanted the site to look like, functionality desired, etc...all the way through to a finished site that accomplishes the goals and made my client very happy.

Besides the built-in theme customization changes we walk through, I also cover very simple and basic Theme editing, plugin usage, management, and content layout fixes/ well as making the site "beyond responsive" where it is able to detect the type of device accessing it and deliver customized content.

Again, this is the 101 course, the very first in a series of more advanced WordPress training courses aimed at the Beginner to Intermediate WordPress user.

I ease you into the advanced customization so you're not overwhelmed and can easily get a grasp of each new lesson, theory, principle and step we are performing along the way.

My goal is to help you achieve a comfortable understanding of customizing WordPress themes to your liking and needs, so you can easily setup and customize your WordPress site to look, function, and perform exactly according to your desires, goals and needs.

What are the requirements?

  • How to setup a basic WordPress install or site
  • Have a basic and/or beginner understanding of WordPress
  • How to get around the WordPress Dashboard

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 9 lectures and 2 hours of content!
  • Customize any WordPress Theme
  • Have a basic understanding of themes and how they interact with WordPress
  • Understand how to find a "starter" theme to use in your site and customization
  • Easily perform basic WordPress Theme customizations
  • Easily identify what elements of a theme need to be tweaked or customized
  • Have a basic understanding of how to perform simple Theme edits on any WordPress Theme, beyond the customization section
  • Perform basic changes and tweaks to any WordPress Theme's files or CSS file
  • Perform basic updates or changes to any visual element of a WordPress Theme

What is the target audience?

  • Anyone who wants an easy to follow course on WordPress Theme Customization Basics
  • WordPress Beginners
  • WordPress Users
  • Anyone Wanting to Customize WordPress Themes
  • Anyone Wanting to Begin Working With WordPress Theme Customization
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