Course Type
4 hours
Various dates throughout the year
Entry Requirements
Beginner Level

About this course

This course is all about creating reports in SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS). No prior knowledge is needed, but some knowledge of T-SQL would be useful.

We will download a version of SQL Server which includes SSRS - for free. We'll also download a database called AdventureWorks, which we will use in our reports.

We'll create various reports, developing our skills bit by bit. As part of designing a report, we will:

  • Select report components (matrix, table, chart and other data visualisation component),
  • Identify the data source and parameters,
  • Design a grouping structure,
  • Create drilldown reports and drillthrough reports.

As part of implementing a report layout, we will:

  • Find out how to format, including formatting colours, dates and numbers;
  • Configure the page;
  • Implement headers and footers;
  • Implement matrices, tables, chart, images, indicators, maps and groupings in reports;
  • Create a range of reports using different data regions;
  • Define custom fields;
  • Implement global collections;
  • Define expressions; and
  • Implement data visualisation components.

As part of implementing interactivity in a report, we will:

  • Create drilldown reports;
  • Create drillthrough reports;
  • Add interactive sorting;
  • Investigate parameters, including multi-value parameters;
  • Create dynamic reports in SSRS using parameters;
  • Implement show/hide property;
  • Add actions (jump to report and URL);
  • Add Fixed headers and a document map.

By the end of this course, you should be confident in creating your own reports in SSRS.

What are the requirements?

  • You don't need any prior knowledge prior to taking this course.
  • A couple of the bonus lectures will require some knowledge of T-SQL, but these lectures are optional.
  • You don't need any form of SQL Server to already be installed on your computer; I will show you have to download it and install it - for free.
  • It is not necessary to have SharePoint on your computer.
  • If you want to know enough T-SQL to assist you with your SSRS work, please have a look at the first two sessions of my 70-461 courses.

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 36 lectures and 3.5 hours of content!
  • Create reports in SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).
  • We will develop your skills, bit by bit.
  • You can also download a free version of SQL Server which will allow you to practice creating reports on your own.
  • We will design a report, implementing report layouts and add interactivity into your reports.

What is the target audience?

  • This course is for you if you want to know how to create reports in SSRS.
  • No prior experience with T-SQL is required, although the more knowledge you have it, the better.
  • Having SharePoint on your computer is not necessary; we will use the stand-alone version of SQL Server. However, I will show the differences and similarities between Report Builder (SharePoint) and SSDT (the stand-alone version).
  • In this course we will cover several aspects which are tested in Microsoft's 70-466 exam "Implementing Data Models and Reports with Microsoft SQL Server".
  • This course is not for you if you only want to know about managing your existing SSRS reports in SharePoint.
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