Course Type
7 hours
Various dates throughout the year
Entry Requirements
Beginner Level

About this course

Building stand alone applications that only function and save their data on the device that they are installed on is becoming obsolete and not feasible. With the increased use of mobile devices, it is common for applications to offer ways to backup, sync and share data in the cloud.

A type of backend is usually needed where data can be saved and manipulated but this requires time, resources and skills to make it work. Fortunately, there are several platforms like Parse that provide a backend that we as developers can integrate with our applications.

This course will introduce the popular Parse SDK and show you how to integrate it with your Android applications in order to save application data in the cloud.

Content and Overview of the course

This course will mainly focus on the Parse SDK, but in order to build our final application we will also do some basic Android coding. This course includes:

  • Creating activities and moving between activities using Intents
  • Creating aesthetically appealing buttons using only XML
  • Creating a fully fledged login screen using the Parse SDK to do email verification and password reset.
  • Using the Parse SDK to create data in your online database, edit and delete existing data.
  • Showing information in a custom ListView
  • Using the action bar
  • Working with different icons and pictures
  • Sending push notifications directly from your Android application or the Parse website to all users using the application
  • Adding Parse Analytics to your application for tracking event data

The Parse SDK makes saving data in the cloud a walk in the park. In less than 4 hours, you will be building an application that will be able to save data in the cloud in an exciting and fun way!

I am excited to start working with you!

What are the requirements?

  • A good Java foundation
  • Basic Android development skills
  • Basic XML knowledge
  • Internet connection
  • Android studio and updated Android SDK

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 49 lectures and 6.5 hours of content!
  • Design a fully fledged login screen with email verification and password reset
  • Create an online database from the website
  • Create new entries to the database, edit and delete existing entries from your Android application
  • Include Parse analytics in an application to track events
  • Use Parse Push Notifications to send out notifications to users

What is the target audience?

  • Android application developers interested in saving application data in the cloud in a very easy and exciting way
  • Android application developers interested in sending out push notifications to users
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