
Laughing at Work
When you initially meet someone you have a very important window of seven seconds until the first impression has been...
Productivity at Work
The working day is an endless stream of distractions that destroy your focus and can lead to you doing any number of...
Make More Friends at Work
Starting a new job can be an intimidating process. Not only do you have to learn how to do the new job and everything...
Reduce Stress At Work
Stress is an unhealthy condition that affects the physical and mental wellbeing of a person. Everyone reacts to stress...
Bored at Work
Whether you're a doctor, a teacher, a plumber, an pilot or another professional, there are always days when your...
Happiness comes easy to some and seems impossible for others. But to live a happy life is something we can all do if we...
Jobs That Robots Will Be Able To Do Sooner Than You Think
AI, innovation, technology, machines, robots, computers ... call them what you will, they are here to stay. With the...
Should Not Marry With The Same Job As You
Today, most of us have a common view, not to marry someone with a same line of career. Psychologists claim, that...
Horrible Boss
We all start our career with an aim to achieve our goals while at the same time maintaining a good relationship with...
Bad behaviour in the workplace
Every office workplace has one or the other person or a co-worker who has an annoying behaviour that bothers the whole...
7 Deadly Sins of Speaking
The human voice is a powerful tool. From Martin Luther King Jr and Gandi, to JFK and Churchill, used correctly the...
Brexit Vote Leave
Waking up on that Friday morning after the Brexit referendum will probably still be fresh in your mind. Whatever you...
Hillary Clinton
Possibly the most publicly scorned woman in history, it’s well known that Hillary Clinton was married to former...
Left or Right Brain Thinking
Are you a left brain or a right brain thinker? How would you even know? Well there are some clues. For example,...
Love Heart Sweets
While many people meet their future husband or wife via online dating, through friends or simply by chance many people...
Clean your Social Media
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Google +, YouTube ... the list of current social networks goes on and on. But...
Jobs for Left Brain Thinkers
Dominant left brain people are logical, sequential thinkers who have an eye for detail, are knowledgeable and have...
Drama Teacher Right Brain Thinkers
Dominant right brain people are emotional, creative and motivated thinkers who have a vivid imagination and use their...
Soft Skills
Soft Skills are the key skills needed to getting ahead in your career, if not life in general. Soft skills are the...
Cristiano Ronaldo Playing for Real Madrid
It may come as no surprise that some of the most entertaining and talent soccer players are the best paid. But being a...
5:2 Diet and Intermittent Fasting Brain Power
I know what you're thinking, how can a diet help become clever? Surely, dieting, and especially fasting will leave me...
Become a Life Coach
In our review of different careers, we take a look at how to become a life coach, what a life coach does and what...
Dream Job
Confucius said, "Find a job you enjoy, and you'll never work a day in your life." This is perhaps simplifying the idea...
How to Get Promoted
Getting promoted at work isn't just about hard work. If it was most people could get promoted at the first time of...
Good First Impression at a Job Interview
Making a good first impression in any situation is important, but making a good first impression at a job interview is...
Don't Get Promoted
Sooner or later you'll look to get promotion in your company. But not every candidate ca be successful and sometimes...
Write the Perfect CV
How to write the perfect CV to get you that interview and job you want. A CV is the best way to get your foot in the...
Maternity Leave Rights
For working women who are expecting their first child, the idea of maternity leave is something they will often know...
Paternity Leave Rights
Traditionally, working couples who have a baby meant that only mum would get time off work. Now in the UK new dads also...
The Best Career for your Zodiac Sign
Can you pick the best career for you based soley on your zodiac sign and astrology? With the plethora of career options...


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