Jobs for Mums Looking for a Work-Life Balance

Jobs and Careers at Home

For new mums, finding the right career or slotting back into their old job can be a daunting experience, as more than ever finding a work-life balance becomes very important. Perhaps the job you had before giving birth is too demanding of your time, too stressful or simply not what you want to be doing whilst also caring for your family. Today new mums have more options than ever about finding the balance between earning money and caring for their family.

Below are a few ideas about finding the perfect job to strike a work-life balance after you have given birth.

Teaching assistant (TA)

Teaching assistants are people in primary and secondary schools that help teachers in the classroom with the day-to-day running of the classroom. Jobs can range from aiding the development of young minds by facilitating small groups, listening to readers, changing reading books, photocopying resources, cutting and sticking and much more.

The first step to take if thinking about becoming a qualified teaching assistant is to approach a local school to volunteer your time for free. This will allow you to experience school life as well as find out if this could be a new career for you.

One of the beauties of becoming a teaching assistant is that as your child grows you will always have the school holidays off, giving you a tremendous advantage for all those mums who work 9 to 5 jobs.

Learn more about becoming a teaching assistant here -

Fitness Instructor

Typically fitness instructors, group exercise instructors or gym instructors can work either as a freelance instructor, part-time or on a flexible rota - or all three! The working hours or qualified a fitness professional are both varied and fit around your other commitments. For example you may wish to teach evening classes when the dad is at home or morning classes when your baby has a child-minder. Either way you will have the luxury of meeting a wide range of people whilst earning good money in a career that will keep you fit, healthy and give you extra stamina needed to be an active hands-on mum.

The fitness industry also allows people to enter the sector at varieety of levels whilst giving them to opportunity to further increase their qualifications and career path.

Find out more about becoming a fitness instructor at

Beauty Therapist

Like becoming a fitness instructor, embarking on a career as a beauty therapist rewards you the luxury of working flexible hours and work around your child/ren. Beauty therapists also have the chance to work in a range of environments, from the local beauty salon, day spa, hairdressers, leisure centre, health club or at the home's of clients. Bookings can be taken down at home, cutting down or travel time and expenses and you only need to take bookings when you like.

Advertising on local web sites and in the newspaper, plus giving out flyers will also prove to be a cost effectively method of advertising your skills as well as your personality to potential customers.

For more informtion about becoming a beaty therapist at

Remote office worker

In today's 'connected' world you don't have in sit in an office to actually do the job effectively in an organisation. Many firms these days cut costs and saving money by employing people to work from their home. This affords workers to chance to be both more flexible in their working hours and substitute the grind of the journey to work with the leisurely walk to the sofa

Of course minimalising the journey to work can mean working smarter and not harder - saving a 2 hour round trip a day to work means spending an extra 10 hours a week with your child ... or even longer if you are prepared to work in the evenings when the little ones have gone to bed.

Jobs that allow people to work from home include secretaries, personal assistances, speed typists, audio-typists, marketing agents, graphic designers, freelance web developers, project managers, property managers, mortgage advisors, traders and more.

The best way to find a job like this is to either ask your existing employer or look for these or similar jobs that fit your skill set on job sites like

Driving Instructor

Perhaps more than any other career, becoming a driving instructor means you can work around your home life. As a driving instructor you can essentially pick your own hours as if you wish not to work on a particular day, then you simply don't book yourself any clients. The working hours of a driving instructor can be extremely flexible with lessons being booked in the evenings, at weekends (with time off in the week) and during the summer months (when daylight lasts longer), but with quieter periods in the winter.

Of course to become a driving instructor you need to be able to drive, have access to a reliable and clean car and hold a driving instructors license. Find out more information about becoming a driving instructor at


As you might well know, childminder fees can be reasonably high. This means that if you combine looking after your child or children with looking after someone else's little darling, you can earn good money whilst working from home. Not only is childminding relatively flexible - you typically only work when the mother of the child is too at work (so no weekends, holiday off end)- it is also a fulfilling career with lots of opportunities for fun and days out whilst helping young children to grow as people.

Find out more about becoming a registered childminder at


Become a plumber or an electrician and work flexible hours whilst earning great money. This may seem like an 'out of the box' career choice for a woman but think about it. Would you rather trust a woman plumber to be honest or a man picked at random out of the yellow pages? I'm not saying all male plumbers and electricians are cowboys but I think a woman looking to replace a bolier or fuse box wold rather book a professional woman tradesmen given the choice.

Again, this career choice requires a good level of training. For more details about becoming a plumber or an eletrician visit

Blogger / Internet writer

There was a time when a blogger or internet writer did so for free or for the love of a given subject. Today, however, bloggers have the chance to make money by writing for online magazine's, content publishers and specialist web sites, all from the comfort of their front room. Of course, there are a few things to consider before embarking on a career as a blogger.

  1. Can you write about a given subject with knowledge and passion?
  2. Are you prepared, potentially, to work for free for a period of time whilst your reputation becomes known?
  3. Can you work to specific deadlines set by publishers?

If you answer these questions positively then perhaps you should contact online magazines with a few articles and see what your feedback is.


If you have a good eye for what makes a great image then perhaps becoming a freelance photographer is for you. Of course to become a professional photographer you will need some formal training. Typically your local college will hold photography courses or Jessops Academy also train would-be photographers at

Becoming a trained photographer means you can work at weddings, take school snaps, work at special events or even sell your images on web sites like or for a fee. is a web site literally teaming with freelance workers in a wide range of fields, including IT, data input, media, journalism, tutoring, creative arts, software design, social media and much more. The idea is that someone posts a job on the site and registered users then contact the client and offer their services for a fee. It's a great idea and one that can mean you can working with great deal of flexibility, work at home and earn some good money.

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